Delivery Order/BOL

On the Delivery Orders form, enter a unique identifying number or leave this field blank to accept the system-generated, unique identifying number for a new delivery order. Once created, this number identifies the delivery order throughout the system and cannot be updated. A length and prefix for this number can be defined on the Order Entry Parameters form.

On the Delivery Order Lines and Delivery Order Line Sequences forms, the number that was entered on the Delivery Orders form displays.

On the Generate Delivery Order Line Sequences form, select the DO number for which you will generate line sequences.

On the Mass DO Assignment form, select the DO/BOL number for which you will generate mass updates upon existing pending transactions.

On the Consolidated Invoices Workbench form, the field is labeled Delivery Order. In the header of this form, the field displays the delivery order number for an invoice with the DO Invoice type Single or Single By PO. Each invoice line is linked to the referenced delivery order. The field is blank in invoices for delivery orders with the DO Invoice type Consolidated and in invoices that are not linked to a delivery order. The field corresponds to the field labeled DO/BOL on the Delivery Orders form. In the Consolidated Invoices Workbench grid, the field displays the delivery order number for the current invoice line. The field is blank in an invoice line that is not linked to a delivery order. The field corresponds to the field labeled DO/BOL on the Delivery Order Lines form.

On the Invoices, Debit and Credit Memos form, the DO number (if one exists) that is associated with the selected invoice displays only if the DO Invoice field is set to Single or Single by PO.

On other forms, the delivery order number associated with the selected transaction displays.