Batch ID

When creating a batch manually, enter an identification number for the batch you are creating. If you enter a batch ID that already exists, the system displays a warning message.

Customer orders on credit hold will not appear on the report. If there is an LCR error or warning reported against the order, it will not be added to any batch created.

On the Available to Ship Report form, enter a batch ID. The current batch for a batch ID will be overwritten if you create a new one with the same number.

If a batch already exists with the specified batch ID and the Delivery Order number is not blank, a message displays indicating the shipping processing batch may not be overwritten.

If the Allow Customer Order on Multiple Batches check box is not selected on the Order Entry Parameters form and there is already a record for the customer order associated with a different record, the system will not create an order in the batch.

On the Shipping Processing Orders form, if you already created a batch via the Available to Ship Report, you can enter the same batch ID number here to display the batch on this form.