VAT Validation Button

Click this button to verify that the number entered in the field to the left of the button is valid for each EU member. A success or failure message is returned, and the date when the verification expires is stored in the customer table. The icon next to the button indicates whether the VAT number has been verified within the last year (green check mark) or needs to be verified (red X).

This button is displayed on the Vendors, Customers, and Customer Ship-Tos form when the EU code is populated.

The VAT number must be verified in either of these scenarios:

  • If all of these are true, a red X is displayed:
    • The EU Code for the customer has a value.
    • On the Tax Systems form, the Tax Mode for Tax System 1 is set to Item.
    • The selected Tax Code 1 for the customer or ship-to is set to a value that is tax exempt.
    • The Tax ID expiration date is blank or earlier than today's date.
  • If both of these are true, a red X is displayed:
    • The EU Code for the customer, ship-to or vendor has a value.
    • The Tax ID expiration date is earlier than today's date.