Update Unit Cost Button

Click this button to update the unit cost of the selected records. These are formulas that are applied to calculate the unit cost of the current item:

Formula Description Definitions
TVA * LIUC = LI Multiply the cost for the line items not related to the current line item by the To VoucherAdjust amount. This cost represents costs tied to this item.

LI = Line Item

LIUC = Line Item Unit Cost

TVA = To VoucherAdjust

LI + LI + LI... = OLI Add the line items calculated above. OLI = Sum of Other Line Items
(DA - OLI) / TVA Subtract the sum of line items from the distribution amount, then divide by the To VoucherAdjustment amount.


UC = Unit Cost

DA = Distribution Amount

EXAMPLE: Three PO line items from one PO line were received at $35.00 each for a total of $105.00. When the invoice was received, the vendor gave a price break. The actual cost invoiced for the 3 items was $100.00. When the voucher is generated, the Unit Cost of each item must be recalculated to match the total invoiced amount (entered in the Dist Amt field) of $100.00.