Configure/Create Item Button

Click this button to configure an item that is not yet configured, or to reconfigure a configured item. The button is disabled if:

  • The currently selected line does not contain a configurable item, or
  • The record is not saved, or
  • The quantity ordered is zero.

If your system is integrated with Infor CPQ, and a configurable item is not yet configured, or is partially configured, the button label is Configure. If a configuration is created but put on hold in Infor CPQ, the label is set to Configure-HOLD. To remove the hold, reconfigure the item or use the Actions > Remove Config Hold menu option. When the configuration is finished, the button's label is set to Configure-Complete.

If your system is using the SyteLine Product Configurator, and a configurable item is not yet configured, the button label is Create Item. The Create Item button is disabled until the Config String is populated. When a configuration's conditions have been satisfied, the button is labeled Configure-Complete.

On the Customer Order Blanket Lines form, click this button to create the configuration string for the highlighted planning item.

The setting of the Create Feature field on the Inventory Parameters form affects what happens when you click this button. When the Create Feature value is set to:

  • Auto-Create: When you click Create Item, the new item is created.
  • No Create: Nothing happens when you click Create Item.
  • Prompted: When you click Create Item, a message displays to ask if it is okay to create a new item.