Generating Statement of Account Letters

At the end of the year, some companies send a letter to all customers and vendors that reports the actual balance for that customer or vendor account. The letter can either include transaction details or just print the current total balance. A response letter can be included so that the customers and vendors can respond by one of these methods:

  • Sign and return the response letter if the information matches their accounting, or
  • Correct the response letter and return it if the information does not match their accounting

The customer or vendor balance is determined using these calculations:

Type Amount formula
Voucher or Adjustment -1 * inv_amt
A/P Payments amt_paid + amt_disc
Invoice or Debit amount + misc_charges + sales_tax + sales_tax_2 + freight
A/R: Payment or Credit Memo (amount + misc_charges + sales_tax + sales_tax_2 + freight) * -1

To generate the letter with the appropriate values:

  1. In the Statement of Account Report form, specify this information:
    Print Response Letter
    Select this option to print a response letter after the balance letter for each selected customer and vendor.
    Print Zero Balance Customers/Vendors
    Select this option to generate letters for customers or vendors with zero balances.
    Display Report Header
    Select this option to display report headers.
    Show Detail
    Select this option to include detail of transactions in the letter. If this option is cleared, only the balance summary is included.
    Use Profile
    Select this option to use the associated customer or vendor profile, if one exists.
    Cutoff Date
    Specify the last date to include in the balance.  All transactions with dates before and including this date are included in the balance. The default value is the end of the current year.
    Response Date

    Specify the date to print in the balance letter as the deadline for returning the Response Letter. The default value is the Cutoff Date + 30 days.

    Increment Date
    Select this option to have the system automatically increment date ranges and rerun the report.  
    Customer and Range

    To generate customer letters, select Customer and specify the starting and ending customer numbers to include.

    Vendor and Range

    To generate vendor letters, select Vendor and specify the starting and ending  vendor numbers to include.

  2. Click Preview to preview the information or Print to print the letters.