Customer Service Home - Dashboard Tab

The Dashboard tab on the Customer Service Home form lists links to forms and activities useful for a customer service representative. There are also three charts, a grid, and a tree on this tab.

My Stats

The My Stats area of this tab contains three links: Alerts, Tasks, and Inbox. You are redirected to the Tasks tab if you click any of the links. The Tasks tab shows tasks and inbox messages. The number of alerts on the Tasks tab is broken down by being either on the Past Due Lines button, the Past Due Releases button, or the Estimates to Expire button.


You can hover your mouse pointer over any of the columns to see the data value for that column.

% On Time Shipments: This chart shows the percent on time shipments for the last three accounting periods and the current period. The formula used to arrive at the Y-Axis data is [number of fully shipped lines with due date in the time period ] / [number of lines with due date in time period]. A line is considered to be fully shipped when the total quantity shipped prior to or on the due date is at least the quantity ordered.

For lines that have not shipped, if their due date is after the current date, they are not included in the calculation. Otherwise, those lines are considered not on time.

Actual/Planned Shipping Amounts: This chart shows the previous three months, the current month, and the next two months based on the current date. The formulas used to arrive at the Y-Axis data are:

  • Last three months: Sum order shipments total price per month
  • Current month: (Sum order shipments total price for month) + (sum lines with due date in month ((quantity ordered - quantity shipped) x price)))
  • Next two months: (Sum lines with due date in month ((quantity ordered - quantity shipped) x price))

Key Today: This chart shows the amount of late orders as of today (current date), the amount of orders placed or updated today, and the amount of RMAs entered today. The three pieces of information in this chart are derived as follows:

  • Late: Customer order item price * (quantity ordered - quantity shipped). This applies for all customer order items with a status of Planned or Ordered, the due date is before the current date, and the quantity shipped is less than the quantity ordered. The value is in domestic currency.
  • Booking: This shows net order amount entered "today". The value is in domestic currency.
  • Return: This shows net return amount entered "today". The value is in domestic currency.


Top 5 Orders to be Shipped: This grid shows the top 5 customer orders by value where the status is Planned or Ordered and that have at least one CO Line/Release of Planned or Ordered status. It sorts with highest value first. The Due Date shows the earliest due date of line/release for the order. The status image is red when the due date is before today; otherwise it is green.


My Interactions: This shows all the logged-in user's customer interactions in a tree view. The information is grouped three different ways:

  • Today: Any interaction with a contact date of the current date.
  • Last 7 days: Any interaction from the seven days previous to the current date.
  • Last 30 days: Any interaction from 30 days prior to the previous seven days.