Intrastat SSD XML File Format

This topic describes intrastat SSD XML file name formatting.

Supported Versions

The German trade statistics support INSTAT / XML, version 6.2 ( [ INTRA ], [ SIG62 ], [ MIG62 ] ). Only the character set ISO-8859-1 can currently be used for INSTAT / XML messages for the German trade statistics. The message must conform to XML 1.0, Third Edition [ XML]. The XML version and the character set to be specified in an XML-Prolog:

<? xml version = " 1.0" encoding = "ISO -8859 -1" ? >

Separate files are created for Dispatch and Arrival records.

In an SSD transaction between two parties, each party reports separately the arrival and dispatch information. When a transaction involves a third party, additional information is reported by an intermediate party on behalf of the primary parties. Reporting on behalf of third-parties is not supported.

Dispatch File Names

Dispatch files are named in this format:



  • DDDDD is the interchange ID issued by the German Federal Statistical Office for reporting SSD records where the transaction indicator is Dispatch. This data is located in [tax_parms].[ssd_dispatch_interchange_id],
  • REFBZR is the reference period, using the Print Period from the EU Supplementary Statistical Declaration Report in the format yyyymm.
  • DATE is the current date in the format yyyymmdd.
  • TIME is the current datetime in the format hhmm.
  • .XML is the literal constant for the file extension.

The hyphen (-) is the literal constant used to separate file name elements. For example, a file name could be: XGD01-201109-20110915-1113.xml

When the filename and the message ID are identical, the file name is stored in the top-level element envelopeId.

Arrival File Names

Arrival files are named in this format:



  • AAAAA is the interchange ID issued by the German Federal Statistical Office for reporting SSD records where the transaction indicator is Arrival. This data is located in [tax_parms].[ssd_arrival_interchange_id].
  • REFBZR is the reference period, using the Print Period from the EU Supplementary Statistical Declaration Report in the format yyyymm,
  • DATE is the current date in the format yyyymmdd.
  • TIME is the current datetime in the format hhmm.
  • .XML is the literal constant for the file extension.

The hyphen (-) is the literal constant used to separate file name elements.