Setting up a Cash Drawer

Cash drawers are set up for cashiers to access. Sale transactions, as well as payments, are recorded using the Cash Drawer feature. To set up the Cash Drawer:

  1. In the POS Setup form, select the Cash Drawers tab.
  2. To create a new drawer, click the New button on the toolbar or select the next available line.
  3. Specify an ID in the Drawer field.
  4. Save the record.
  5. Specify the Order Type. If you want POS transactions to create customer orders as they are processed, specify CO. If you are a licensed Service user and if you want POS orders to create service orders, specify SRO. Multiple drawers can be set up to support new sales processed as customer orders and service sales processed as service orders.
  6. Optionally, specify a Description, Terms Code, and Warehouse.
  7. Optionally, if you are licensed for Service,  specify the SRO template to use.
    Note:  Any changes to the SRO Template field do not affect cash drawers that are set up with Customer Order as the order type.
  8. Save the record again. The User Name, Checkout Date, and Starting Balance fields (and the Partner field for an SRO type drawer) are only enabled when the drawer is checked out.