Enter a Point of Sale Customer Order

After you log into a cash drawer, you can perform on-demand entry of transactions for customers:

  1. In the Point of Sale Entry form, select a customer and Ship To combination on the Customer tab for the customer who places the order. The address, contact information, and other information is populated from the customer's record on the Customers form.

    If a one-time, walk-in customer comes in for a sale or return, see Handling Walk Up-Sales with Point of Sale.

  2. On the General tab, specify the Tax Code. The tax code defaults based on the customer/ship to combination but can be changed.
    Note:  Most of the other fields on the Customer and General tabs are populated based on the customer/ship to combination, but can be changed. Optionally, you can specify values for the S/N, Order Discount, Freight, and Misc Charges fields on the General tab, because these fields do not default based on the customer/ship to combination.
  3. Save the record.
  4. On the Material tab:
    • Click Materials to open a linked POS Material form.
    • Select an item and save the record.
    • If the item requires a serial number, click Assign Serial and select a serial number on the Choose Serial Number form. Click Process. Close the form.
    • In the Qty Ordered field, specify the quantity.
    • In the Qty Shipped field, the value defaults to the Qty Ordered value. Change the Qty Shipped value to zero, if you want to back order the quantity.
    • Ensure that there is a value in the Tax Code field and fill in other fields as needed.
    • Save the record.
    • If you see the message "Qty Ordered is greater than Qty Shipped for POS Material that has [Entry: <#>]. Back Order will be created." then Qty Ordered is greater than Qty Shipped for that POS material. Click Yes to save the POS material row.
    • Close the POS Material form. The new record is displayed in the Material tab of the Point of Sale Entry form.
    Note: The top line reflects what has been ordered and the bottom line reflects the current amount due. For example, if you specified 0 in the Qty Shipped field, the bottom line shows 0 due at this time, and a back order is created.
  5. Go to the Payments tab and perform these steps:
    • Click Payments to open a linked POS Payments form.
    • Specify the Payment Type. Payment types are set up are set up as described in Setting up the Point of Sale (POS) Feature.
    • Specify a value in the Amount field. This field defaults to the total amount due for the order.
      Note:  You can enter multiple payments and payment types on the order. For example:
      • The total due for an order is 100.00.
      • Enter a Cash payment type for the amount of 40.00 and save the record.
      • Select the next line or click the new button in the toolbar to enter another record.
      • Enter an On Account payment type for the amount of 60.00 and save the record.
      • The order is processed if the total amount of payments equals the total due for the order.
    • Save the record.
    • Close the POS Payments form. The new record is displayed in the Payments tab of the Point of Sale Entry form.
  6. In the Point of Sale Entry form, after you ensure that the totals are balanced for the order, click Process.
  7. If there are no credit problems, the order is processed and a POS Receipt created for the transaction. During this process, a customer order is created and invoiced based on the POS information, and any applicable payments are posted.