Checking in the Rental Equipment

When the customer returns equipment, follow these steps to check in the equipment and charge for any outstanding balance. Equipment is considered "checked in" when To Close is selected for the line.  

Note:  The checkout process does not need to be performed before you perform a check-in.
  1. In the Contracts form, click Checkin/Checkout.
  2. Log in to the cash drawer, as described in  Processing Orders with Point of Sale.
  3. The POS Checkout/Checkin form displays each line from the selected contract.
  4. In the Billed Through date and time fields, specify the rental date and time through which to bill the customer. Usually this is set to the date/time that the rental equipment was returned. If you set these fields to a date/time prior to the date/time for which the customer has already been charged, a credit is produced.
  5. Optionally, select To Bill for each contract line that is to be paid, if the rental was not prepaid.
  6. Select To Close for each contract line that is to be closed (checked in).
  7. Save the record. The End Date is populated and the status changes to Closed to prevent future billings if the contract is recurring.
  8. Specify the payment information, if the rental was not prepaid. See the Example below.
  9. Click Process to create a contract and receipt and to post any payments to Accounts Receivable.

Example: Entering Multiple Payments and Payment Types on an Order

You can enter multiple payments and payment types on the order, as shown in this example:

  • The total due for an order is 100.00.
  • Enter a Cash payment type for the amount of 40.00 and save the record.
  • Select the next line or click the new button in the toolbar to enter another record.
  • Enter an On Account payment type for the amount of 60.00 and save the record.
  • The order is processed if the total amount of payments equals the total due for the order.

Payment types for POS are defined during Point of Sale Setup.