Shipping a Shipment

  1. On the Shipment Master form, select a shipment with a status of Open.
  2. Specify any needed information in the fields on this form. The only required field is Status.
  3. When you are ready to ship, change the status from Open to Ready To Ship.

    If the customer has a VAT number, the system verifies that the number is currently valid; if not, a warning message displays, but shipment is allowed.

  4. Click Ship Confirmation. This opens the Ship Confirmation form.
  5. On the Ship Confirmation form, select your shipment or shipments.
  6. Click Ship.
Note: You cannot unship or return a shipment, so verify that the shipment has shipped before you click Ship Confirmation. If you must return an item from a shipment, use the RMAs or Order Shipping forms. An ASN is automatically generated for those records that were successfully shipped.