Creating Packages

To create packages:

  1. On the Pack Confirmation form, select a shipment.
  2. On the package grid, insert a new package.
  3. Specify the Weight, Rate Code, NMFC Code, and Marks and Exceptions.
  4. Select the Hazardous check box if necessary.
  5. Specify the Package Type and Package Description.
  6. Save the record. A package is created and displayed in the Package Tree.

The Pick List Items and Serial Numbers grid contains an Items tab and a Serial Numbers tab. The Items tab is used to select which items and what quantity should be put into packages. The Serial Numbers tab is used to select which serial numbers should be put into packages. Other than the select check box, both tabs are read-only.

The Packages grid displays the packages that were created by the use of the Create/Add To Packages button.

The Packages Items and Serial Numbers grid contains an Items tab and a Serial Numbers tab. Both tabs are read-only and their grids are populated when you select a package in the packages grid.