Creating a Pick List with the Pick Workbench

To use the Pick Workbench to create a pick list:

  1. Select a picker.
  2. Select the lines to include on the pick list. The lines do not have to have the same due date.
    Note:  You can only group together credit card orders (Payment Type C) with other credit card orders for the same customer and Ship To address.
  3. Change the group number for each selected line so that they all have the same group number, which puts them on the same pick list. Also, you cannot group orders that have different currencies.
  4. If desired, on the Inventory tab, select each line individually. If necessary, change the Qty To Pick value in the lower left grid. You do not need to enter the Inventory tab in order to generate a pick list.
  5. Optionally, you can preassign the serial numbers to be picked, in the lower right grid.
  6. If you have more than one pick list in different groups on the Orders tab, and you want one pick list that includes all of those pick lists, then select Generate Bulk Pick List. This allows the picker to pick all the items on more than one pick list with one trip through the warehouse.
  7. Click Generate to print the pick list or lists.