Shipping Vendor Returns

Follow these steps to ship a line or batch:

  1. On the Vendor Shipping form, select the vendor from the RMA Item Dispositions form.
  2. Click on the grid line with RMA in the Reference field and your RMA number in the Ref Num field.
  3. If you are shipping a line, Click Ship Line. If you are shipping a batch, click Ship Batch. A message displays stating that the vendor shipment will be performed. Click OK.
  4. After shipping, the line is removed from the grid.
  5. Close the form.

When you click Reverse Mode on the Vendor Returns form, the Return Line and Return Batch buttons change. The Return Line button becomes the Reverse Line button. The Return Batch button becomes the Reverse Batch button. Use these buttons to reverse the vendor returns that have been completed. Click Ship Mode to changes the buttons back to their original names and functions.