Processing Customer Returns Before Invoicing

If you have shipped a quantity and want to "unship" that quantity and prevent invoicing, follow this procedure.

If you have already invoiced, see Processing Customer Returns After Invoicing.

If you have shipped an order that has a delivery order (DO) attached, the DO status must be set to In Process.

Note:  If the item you want to return has been flagged obsolete or slow-moving, you may receive warning messages.
  1. Open the Order Shipping form.
  2. Find the Order number.
  3. Using the filter, update the CO Line/Release Status to Filled.
  4. In the grid, select the lines you want to update.
  5. Enter a negative quantity.
  6. Enter a return reason code.
  7. In the Detail tab, if the item is lot-tracked, enter a lot number.
  8. If the item has a delivery order, select the delivery order and its line number.
  9. Click Process.