Generating Replacement Orders

This process creates a customer order for the items you send to the customer as replacement for material already authorized to be returned.

  • The item specified must be available on the Items form.
  • The unit of measure must exist in the Unit of Measure file.
  • If an original customer order is referenced, it must be a regular order type (not blanket).
  • The Return Material Authorization (RMA) must have a status of Open (not Stopped, Closed, or History).
  1. In the RMA Line Items form, select an RMA. The RMA must have a status of Open.
  2. To create a new line for the RMA, select Actions > New.
  3. To describe the original customer order and line, complete the fields in the General tab.
  4. Save the record.
  5. In the Replacement Lines tab, select the item to return and fill in the replacement quantity.
  6. You can also do any of the following:
    • To create a new order and line number, leave the Order and Line Number fields blank.
    • To have the system add the new line to an existing customer order, select that order number.
    • If you enter a new order number, with or without a line number, the system creates the corresponding order (and line, if applicable) automatically.
  7. Save the record. The system enables the Generate button.
  8. Click Generate. After the order is generated, the new customer order number and line appear in the Replacement Lines tab. On the newly generated Customer Order Lines record, the system displays the related RMA number and line number of the return authorization.
Note:  Warnings are displayed during generation if:
  • The customer is on credit hold or if the current outstanding balance is greater than the credit limit.
  • The line/release already exists in the system.
  • The replacement has already been generated.
  • The customer order you reference is for a different customer from the RMA itself.
  • The site where the RMA is being generated is not the site where the customer order originated.