Processing Earned Rebates

When orders that qualify for rebate programs are invoiced, earned rebate entries are added to the Earned Rebate Credit Workbench form, so you can process credit amounts available for application with open credit memos.

To process earned rebates:

  1. Open the Earned Rebate Credit Workbench form.
  2. In the Promotion Code field, specify the rebate program promotion code for which to process earned rebates.
  3. Optionally, you can select a customer in the Customer field, to limit processing to only that customer.
  4. In the Application Date field, specify the date to use when creating open credit memos.
  5. On the Pending tab, select earned rebates to process. Only earned rebates marked as Qualified can be selected.
    Note: If a rebate you need to process is not on the Pending tab, you can check the Hold tab to see if it has been placed on hold. If so, you can set the rebate back to Pending on the Earned Rebates form.
  6. Click Process. Open credit memos are created and the status of the earned rebated is changed to Applied.