Applying Promotion Pricing to Customer Order Lines

After you have set up a promotion-type pricing program, you can apply the program promotion code to customer order lines as needed. Promotions available for selection on a particular customer order line are based on the promotion setup criteria. For example, if the order date does not fall within the effective and expiration dates of a promotion, that promotion is not in the list. If the promotion applies to a specified item, but that item is not ordered, then the promotion is not in the list.

To apply promotion pricing to a customer order line:

  1. On the Customer Order Lines form or Customer Orders Quick Entry form, select the order and line to work with.
  2. In the Promotion Code field, select the promotion to apply to this line.

    The Unit Price is replaced with the adjusted item price based on the promotion, and any existing Sales Discount is overridden and the field is set to zero.

Note: Promotion codes cannot be applied to estimate lines, customer order blanket lines, or an entire customer order.