Creating a New Consolidated Invoice Header

The Consolidated Invoice Generation form can generate consolidated invoices for both regular customer orders and delivery orders in one operation. Note that delivery orders must be invoiced with the Consolidated Invoicing activity.

You can select customer order items by:

  • Customer number
  • Invoicing frequency, such as weekly or monthly
  • Whether the item is under a regular customer order or a delivery order
  • Customer order number if you are processing customer orders
  • Delivery order number if you are processing delivery orders
  • Customer PO number if you are processing delivery orders
  • Shipping date

The activity can delete unposted consolidated invoice records. This function is useful in updating (regenerating) pending invoice records. See Updating and Deleting Consolidated Invoice Records for additional information.

During the generation process, the activity examines shipped customer order items and selects items that are marked for consolidated invoicing or linked to a delivery order number. The quantity of an item shipped must be greater than the quantity invoiced minus the quantity returned. Selected items are filtered according to the criteria you specified on the form. The activity then generates consolidated invoice records for the filtered items.

The activity ignores progressive billing transactions. Progressive bills issued against customer order items are taken into account when you print invoices with the Consolidated Invoicing activity. Progressive billing transactions appear on consolidated invoices as they do in regular invoicing.

Similarly, the activity ignores prepaid amounts, though the amounts are processed when you print invoices.

Note: If you are experiencing problems generating a Consolidated Invoice header, please check that the setting on the Include Tax In Price check box is the same for the customer and customer order you are working on.

You can generate invoice headers for a customer if there are no pending invoice records for the customer. To add invoices for a customer for whom there are pending invoices, perform these steps:

  1. Open the Consolidated Invoice Generation activity.
  2. Indicate how you are going to delete records in the Delete Record First By field.
  3. In the Customer field, select the customer number. If consolidated invoice records for the customer exist, the system displays a message indicating that you cannot create a new invoice.
  4. Specify the criteria for generating invoices in the Invoice Frequency, Process Customer Orders, Process Delivery Orders, and Generate by Ship Date areas.
  5. When you have selected your criteria, click OK.
Note: You can create a new delivery order invoice with the DO Invoice type Single By PO if a similar invoice for the customer exists. For the procedure, see Adding Invoice Lines.

After records are generated, you can review and edit them in the Consolidated Invoices Workbench form and print and post the invoices with the Consolidated Invoicing activity. Consolidated invoices are in the currency of the orders that make up the invoice. All orders must have the same currency.

Note: While the Consolidated Invoice Generation form is open, no other user can access either the Consolidated Invoices Workbench or the Consolidated Invoice Generation form.