Cross-Referencing Demands to Supplies

The system provides you with several ways to cross-reference, or "hard-peg," your demand orders (such as estimate lines, customer order lines, parent jobs, transfer order lines, and project resources) to specific supply orders. As a result, in the planning calculations, a supply can only be used by the demand to which it is cross-referenced.

The table below provides links to other help topics that describe how to cross-reference various types of records in the system. Before following any of these links, however, see the sections below the table for additional information that applies to cross referencing in general.

To peg this demand type... To this supply type... See this help topic
Job Material/Estimated Material Sub-job Cross-Referencing a Job Material to a Job
Job Material/Estimated Material Transfer Order (at the To site) Cross-Referencing a Job Material to a Transfer Order
Job Material Purchase Order Requisition Cross-Referencing a Job Material to a Purchase Order Requisition
Job Material Purchase Order Cross-Referencing a Job Material to a Purchase Order
Customer Order Line/Blanket Release Job Cross-Referencing a Customer Order to a Job Order
Estimate Line Estimate Job Cross-Referencing an Estimate to an Estimate Job
Customer Order Line/Blanket Release/Estimate Line Transfer Order (at the To site) Cross-Referencing a Customer Order to a Transfer Order
Customer Order Line/Blanket Release Purchase Order Requisition Cross-Referencing a Customer Order to a PO Requisition
Customer Order Line/Blanket Release Purchase Order Line Cross-Referencing a Customer Order to a Purchase Order
Customer Order Line/Blanket Release Project Task Cross-Referencing a Customer Order to a Project
Transfer Order (at the From site) Job Cross-Referencing a Transfer Order to a Job Order
Transfer Order (at the From site) PO Requisition Cross-Referencing a Transfer Order to a PO Requisition
Transfer Order (at the From site) PO Line Cross-Referencing a Transfer Order to a Purchase Order
Project Resource/Estimate Project Resource Job Cross-Referencing a Project Resource to a Job Order
Project Resource/Estimate Project Resource PO Requisition Cross-Referencing a Project Resource to a PO Requisition
Project Resource/Estimate Project Resource PO Line Cross-Referencing a Project Resource to a Purchase Order
  • If the Source field contains Inventory, no cross-reference is in place. The Reference field defaults to Inventory if:
    • the item's Stocked field is selected on the Items form, or
    • (for a project resource) the item's Source is set to Transferred on the Items form.
  • You cannot cross-reference an estimate line or an estimate material to a purchase order, purchase requisition, or project.
  • You cannot cross-reference a supply to multiple demands (a cross-reference is a 1-to-1 relationship between a demand and a supply).
  • When the APS Planning activity plans a cross-referenced demand and supply, and there is not enough supply quantity to satisfy the demand, the system allocates as much of the supply as is available and generates an exception message to alert you of the shortage.
  • If the demand's due date is earlier than the cross-referenced supply's due date, the APS Planning activity generates the exception message "Move In Receipt." The APS Planning activity allocates the supply to the demand only if the supply's due date is before the demand's due date (including Supply Usage Tolerance).

If you are creating a cross-reference, copying the item's current bill of material to the supply record, and then customizing the bill of material, you must clear the Plan on Save field on the parent demand record before saving it and creating the cross reference.

Users who work in the Customer Order Lines, Project Resources, Service Order Lines, or Job Materials forms might not have the appropriate authorizations to open other forms that contain sourcing information about related jobs, projects, requisitions, transfer orders, item locations, purchase orders, or service orders. Use the Source tab and its sub-tabs on those four forms to quickly view details about the source transactions and determine when the source material is expected to be available.

Example: suppose you enter a customer order line item and save it with the Plan on Save field selected. When you then cross-reference the order line to a job and copy the BOM, the system uses the item current BOM instead of the job BOM when that job is planned. However, if you clear the Plan on Save field on the order line before cross-referencing, the Plan on Save field on the resulting job will be cleared by default (allowing you to then customize the job routing/BOM). For more information, see the Plan on Save help topic.