Generating a Progressive Billing - Method 1

To generate a percentage of the bill, do the following:

  1. On the Progressive Billing Generation form, select the order for the progressive bill.
  2. In the Invoice Flag field, select one of the following options:
    • Yes: Invoices the progressive bill the next time the invoicing option is run.
    • No: Does not invoice the progressive bill at all.
    • Automatic: Invoices the progressive bill when its Billing Date is on or before the Invoice Date.
      Note: You cannot select the Invoiced or Vouchered options.
  3. Select a Billing Date.

    If you selected Automatic in Step 1, this is the date on which the progressive bill will be invoiced.

  4. Enter a value in the Percent To Bill field.

    This is the percentage of the order total that you want to invoice with this billing.

    • The Description field defaults to Progressive Billing, but you can change it.
    • If you use Translate to Domestic Currency you will not be able to update until you go back to the original currency for which the progressive bill was created.
  5. Once you enter the header information, select the line/release you want to include in this progressive bill.
  6. To create a Progressive Billing record for each line you selected, click Generate Lines.

    The Amount Billed field is filled in automatically. The system uses this calculation to figure the amount:

    Amount to Bill = Line/Release Price x Percent to Bill

  7. Once a progressive bill has been completely invoiced, you will still need to print out a regular invoice type before the customer order can be completed.
Note: For reporting purposes, progressive bills are not considered sales until the shipment and final invoice have been printed.