Shipping an Order with Reserved Inventory

If you have inventory reserved for an order, the system uses this reserved inventory for shipment before non-reserved inventory.

If an item is serial-tracked, then the reserved serial numbers default into the Serial Numbers grid (without having to click the Generate button). However, you can also click Generate to add more serial numbers with a status of In Inventory to the grid, and select a combination of the reserved and In Inventory numbers to satisfy the shipping requirement. Any In Inventory serial numbers appear after all reserved serial numbers in the grid. If the record cap is exceeded by the reserved serial numbers, the In Inventory serial numbers do not appear until the record cap is increased to accommodate the extra serial numbers.

When the reserved inventory is shipped, the system reduces:

  • The quantity of reserved inventory by the quantity shipped.
  • The quantity reserved for the customer order item by the quantity shipped.
  • The quantity ready for the customer order item by the quantity shipped if the Source type is Inventory and the item is reservable.
  • The quantity reserved at the item's location by the quantity shipped.
  • The quantity reserved at the item's warehouse by the quantity shipped.
  • The quantity reserved at the item's lot/location if the item is lot-tracked.