Implementing DIFOT (Delivered In Full and On Time)
DIFOT (Delivered In Full and On Time) is a standard used to measure delivery performance in a supply chain.
To implement DIFOT evaluations:
Set the default DIFOT criteria.
Use the Order Entry Parameters form. These values become the default values for the system. You can override them at these levels:
- Customer
- Customer order
- Customer order line
- Customer order blanket line
- Customer order blanket release
To set the maximum:
- Percentage of items that can be shipped in excess of the number ordered and still be considered in full, use the Ordered Qty Tolerance Over field.
- Percentage of items that can be shipped below the number ordered and still be considered in full, use the Ordered Qty Tolerance Under field.
- Number of days before the due date that an order can ship and still be considered on time, use the Shipped Before Due Date Tolerance field.
- Number of days after the due date that an order can ship and still be considered on time, use the Shipped After Due Date Tolerance field.
- (For existing customer order records) Use the Update Order DIFOT Policy form to generate DIFOT data.
- Use the system to create and fill customer orders that generate DIFOT data.
- Use the Delivered In Full And On Time Report to create the desired DIFOT report.
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