Implementing DIFOT (Delivered In Full and On Time)

DIFOT (Delivered In Full and On Time) is a standard used to measure delivery performance in a supply chain.

To implement DIFOT evaluations:

  1. Set the default DIFOT criteria.

    Use the Order Entry Parameters form. These values become the default values for the system. You can override them at these levels:

    • Customer
    • Customer order
    • Customer order line
    • Customer order blanket line
    • Customer order blanket release

    To set the maximum:

    • Percentage of items that can be shipped in excess of the number ordered and still be considered in full, use the Ordered Qty Tolerance Over field.
    • Percentage of items that can be shipped below the number ordered and still be considered in full, use the Ordered Qty Tolerance Under field.
    • Number of days before the due date that an order can ship and still be considered on time, use the Shipped Before Due Date Tolerance field.
    • Number of days after the due date that an order can ship and still be considered on time, use the Shipped After Due Date Tolerance field.
  2. (For existing customer order records) Use the Update Order DIFOT Policy form to generate DIFOT data.
  3. Use the system to create and fill customer orders that generate DIFOT data.
  4. Use the Delivered In Full And On Time Report to create the desired DIFOT report.