Shipping Customer Orders

If you wish to ship shipments with the Ship Confirmation form, see Shipping a Shipment. Otherwise, continue here.

To ship a customer order:

  1. On the Available to Ship Report, enter values for all writable fields. Although these values are not required to generate the report, they help to narrow down the scope of the report. The more values you enter, the narrower the scope of the report becomes.
    Note: This report uses the Ship Partial check box from the Customer Orders form to determine which order to display. Orders where the Ship Partial check box is cleared appear on this report only if all line items are ready to ship. Orders where the Ship Partial check box is selected appear on this report if at least one line item is ready to ship. The Ship Partial check box does not allow partial quantities of a line item to be shipped.

    This report excludes orders, customers, and corporate customers that are currently on credit hold.

    Letters of Credit errors and warnings are printed with the order, order line, and order release at the end of the report.

    The system uses this sequence to consume quantity for order requirements for display on this report: Warehouse, Item, Item Due Date, Order Date, then Order Number.

    If the requirements for an item are for the same warehouse, the system uses the Order Due Date and then the Order Number.

  2. Run the Shipping Processing Orders utility for the desired order.