About Order Invoicing/Credit Memos

This topic describes processes related to the Order Invoicing/Credit Memo form.

When printing invoices from the Order Invoicing/Credit Memo form, the selected orders are searched; for each one with line/release quantities that have been shipped but not fully invoiced, the system does the following:

  • Computes the invoice amounts
  • Updates the customer sales and invoicing fields
  • Calculates a commission due amount
  • Posts the invoice to invoice history
  • Creates Accounts Receivable invoice transactions
  • Prints the invoice.

You must enter a ship transaction before invoicing an order. To see which order line items are ready to be invoiced, run the To Be Invoiced Report.

This report lists the kit, components, and quantity required for kit line items and releases, if the Print Kit Components on Customer Paperwork field is selected for the item on the Customer Order Lines form.

If a letter of credit (LCR) is required and none exists, a message displays informing you of the situation.

Note: This activity does not generate consolidated invoices or invoices for delivery orders. To print these types of invoices, use the Consolidated Invoicing activity.

Like other reports in the system, this report may be distributed based on document profiles that may have been created for the various recipients. On this form, if an exact customer/ship to match is found, the report will be distributed based on the settings for that specific ship to. If no exact customer/ship to match is found, the system will instead search for a ship to of zero (0) and use its distribution settings.

You can process either invoices or credit memos, but not both at one time. If an error occurs during posting or printing, the process stops and the invoice in error is not generated. Invoices posted prior to the error, however, remain posted.

For regular and blanket invoices, the prepaid amount, miscellaneous charges, sales tax, and freight from the order header are zeroed out.

The Credit Memo option enables you to generate credit memos for orders that were entered through the Customer Orders form. Credit memos are issued to reflect a credit to a customer, as well as a return of items. Credit memo processing is very similar to invoicing processing.

For a credit memo, if there was an Apply To Invoice number entered on the customer order, a new line will be printed on the first page of the credit memo, similar to the following:

EXAMPLE: Credit Memo XXX for Invoice YYY

When issuing a credit and returning items, you must first enter a material transaction to post the quantity returned through a ship transaction. The ship transaction adjusts all the inventory quantity fields to reflect the return, but you still need to print the credit memo form to adjust the domestic currency sales and customer balances.

Note: If you are using Infor CPQ Configurator, you can print the materials selected for each planning item on the invoice.

Advanced Terms

If you are using Advanced Terms, the Advanced Term Algorithm calculates the due date bucket for purchase orders and customer orders.

Invoices and Multiple Due Dates

If you used a billing terms code that uses multiple due dates, the system calculates the invoice's due dates and creates associated records to show the payment due dates. The due dates, percentage due, and amounts due appear on the invoice.

Foreign Languages and Currency

To print an order invoice or a credit memo in a foreign language, use the fields on the Multi-Lingual Order Invoice form.

Foreign currency customers owe the foreign currency amount. Any change in the exchange rate will result in a gain or loss. Overpayments or underpayments by foreign currency customers will result in a debit or credit balance in their accounts. If the overpayment or underpayment is for the purpose of making up a gain or loss that was caused by a change in the exchange rate, a separate adjustment must be posted.

Although you can print invoices in either the foreign or domestic currency for customs or other purposes, accounting in SyteLine allows for the customer to owe only the foreign currency amount, regardless of the currency in which the invoice was printed.

Invoice Hold

Use the Invoice Hold field on the Customer Order Lines and Customer Order Blanket Releases forms to prevent certain order lines from being invoiced automatically. For example, an FOB customer does not want to be invoiced until after the shipment is received. After the customer notifies you that the shipment was received, you can remove the hold, and an invoice will be created for the order line the next time invoicing is performed. After the invoice hold has been removed, any quantity that has been shipped is available for invoicing.

Printing Invoices from Packing Slips

You can create invoices from packing slips. Make sure that on the Customers form Codes tab, you select the Print Packing Slip on Invoice check box. Then on this form, select the Create from Packing Slip check box.

Reprinting Invoices

The Reprint Options group box enables you to reprint invoices from invoice history for a range of invoice numbers, invoice dates, customer numbers or order numbers. Reprinting uses the display options currently specified, not those that were used when the invoice was originally printed.

The Use Preprinted Forms parameter on the Accounts Receivable Parameters form affects how invoices and credit memos are printed and determines whether you can reprint invoices.

Note:  If you are using preprinted numbers on forms, you cannot reprint invoices because a second invoice number would be on the preprinted form and would not match the original invoice number. You must void and regenerate the invoice in order to reprint it.

The primary information listed below comes from invoice history:

  • Line item number
  • Quantity shipped
  • Price
  • Discount
  • Freight
  • Sales tax
  • Customer number

The secondary information listed below is taken from the customer order, which must still be available in the database:

  • Order text
  • Line item text
  • Standard text
  • Customer address
  • Customer item number
  • On-order quantity
  • Serial number

Multi-User Processing

Only one instance of the invoicing background task can run at a time. Requests to run this background task are processed synchronously. If two users try to create an invoice simultaneously from the same customer order, both invoice requests are placed on the background queue. The first request to be processed succeeds; no invoice is created for the second request. You can check the results of the background task processing in the Background Task History form.

After you submit the invoice, you see the message "Report submitted." To see the invoice range that was created, or to verify that invoices were created, go to the Background Task History form.