Changing Multiple Customer Order Statuses to History

If you change an order from Ordered to Complete on an order that has reserved inventory, the system deletes all associated reserved inventory records.

If you change the status of a range of orders from Ordered to Complete, the system also changes all shipped and fully invoiced blanket lines and line/releases to Complete. Unless all line/releases associated with each order are marked Complete, the system does not change the status of the order.

If you change the order status from Complete to History, the system moves each qualifying order to the History Customer Orders form, where you can only print or copy the records.

These are conditions for line items to incur a status change:

  • When you change the order status from Ordered to Complete, line items that qualify must have been shipped and fully invoiced with a status of Filled or Complete. Line items with a status of Planned do not qualify to become Complete.
  • When you change the order status from Complete to History, line items that qualify must have a status of Complete.
  • For blanket lines, the sum of the quantity shipped for a blanket line, which is calculated from the blanket releases tied to that blanket line, must be at least equal to the blanket quantity specified on the blanket line.
Note: Only the originating site can change the status of an order. The system connects to all sites related to the order and changes the status at these sites as well.

This form is geared toward the CO header, not the lines/releases. The results grid only shows CO information. The utility changes the status of the lines/releases if the associated CO is within the specified range. If the CO status cannot be changed to Complete, the line/release statuses remain as Complete.

To change the order status of multiple orders at once, perform these steps:

  1. Open the Change CO Status utility.
  2. In the Old Status field, select Complete.
  3. In the Starting Order and Ending Order fields, define the range of order numbers to change.
  4. In the Starting Order Date and Ending Order Date fields, define the range of order dates to change.
  5. Select Commit and then click Process.

Once the status of an order is Complete, you can then re-run the utility to change the status to History.

Note:  You can change the status of regular and/or blanket orders.

Example 1: In a customer order line where:

Quantity Ordered = 10

Quantity Shipped = 4,

Quantity Invoiced = 4, and

Status = Filled,

the utility will allow you to close this line because Quantity Shipped is the same as Quantity Invoiced.

Example 2: If a regular CO has two lines, where the first line has Status = Filled and Ordered = Shipped = Invoiced, and the second line has Status = Filled and Ordered = Shipped but Invoiced is less than Shipped, this utility sets the status on the first line to Complete, leaves the status on the second line and the header as-is, and does not display the CO in the results grid. If a blanket CO has one line where Blanket Quantity = 10 and two fully invoiced releases, and both releases have Quantity = 3, this utility sets the status of the two releases to Complete, but leaves the line and header status as-is.