Calculating Unit Price for Customer Orders/Estimates

Unit price is calculated using this formula: Unit Price = Base + or (-) Dollar Amount or Percent

When determining the Unit Price on the Customer Orders, EDI Customer Orders, Customer Order Lines, or Estimate Lines forms, SyteLine performs these actions, in order:

  1. Checks to see if the promotional pricing code has been specified for the selected customer line. SyteLine then moves on to determine the unit price. Once the unit price is established, the promotional value is applied to determine the net unit price for the line. If there is no promotion pricing for the order line, SyteLine moves on to the next step.
  2. Checks to see if a customer contracts record is set up for that customer, item, and customer-item combination. If a record with this combination is not found, then SyteLine looks for a record with a matching customer and item, and a null customer-item. If one of these types of records is found, then SyteLine checks the customer-item pricing table to find a record where the order due date is on or after the effective date. If a valid pricing record is found, and the contract price has a value, it uses that contract price. If the contract price is zero, SyteLine moves on to the next step.
  3. Determines if any quantity price breaks have been established for the customer and item by checking the Customer Contracts Prices record. If quantity price breaks exist, they will be used as the default Unit Price. If there are no quantity price breaks for the customer, SyteLine moves on to the next step.
  4. Determines whether a customer price code is available for the customer order line release or EDI customer order line release as well as an item price code from the item pricing record. If either price code is not found, SyteLine moves on to the next step. If both price codes are available, SyteLine uses the Price Matrix Table to determine the price. After SyteLine determines that two valid price codes exist, it searches the Price Matrix Table to determine if a price code record exists for this combination of codes.

    If SyteLine locates a Price Matrix record, the corresponding Price Formula is used in calculating the item's Unit price. SyteLine then cross checks the quantity price breaks:

    • If the quantity price breaks are valid, they are used to calculate the Unit Price.
    • If the quantity price breaks are not valid, SyteLine uses the Price Formula to determine the Unit Price.
  5. Searches for a current Item Pricing record based on the item pricing effective date and customer currency code.
    • If any quantity price breaks have been established for the item and if the quantity price breaks apply, SyteLine uses these quantity price breaks as the default unit price.
    • If no other pricing has been established, then the default unit price is the value entered in the Unit Price 1 field from the Item Pricing record.
  6. Displays a message, if no Item Pricing record exists, stating that not one item price exists, in which case the price must be specified manually.
  • Multi-currency calculations will first try to locate Price Formulas and Item Pricing Records in the customer's currency. If the customer's currency is available, those values are used. If no records are found in the customer's currency, SyteLine locates records in the domestic currency and then converts them to the customer's currency.
  • If any discounts or premiums have been set up by product code and customer type on the Discounts form, SyteLine applies them after pricing has been determined for an item using the stated pricing structure.
  • For non-inventory items, you must manually enter the unit price of the item.