Approving Customer Shipments

You can set up customer shipments for approval. This topic describes the necessary steps.

  1. On the Accounts Receivable Parameters form, define new accounts and related unit codes for Accounts Receivable In Process, Sales In Process, Sales Discount In Process, and Sales Non Inventory In Process.
  2. On the Distribution Accounts form, define new accounts and related unit codes for Sales In Process, Sales Discount In Process and the many accounts for Cost of Goods Sold - In Process.
  3. On the End User Types form, define new accounts and related unit codes for Accounts Receivable In Process, Sales In Process, Sales Discount In Process, Sales Non Inventory In Process, and the many accounts for Cost of Goods Sold In Process.
  4. On the Product Codes form, define new account and related unit codes for Inventory Adjustment In Process.
  5. On the Tax Codes form, define new account and related unit codes for Accounts Receivable Tax Account In Process.
  6. On the Customers form, select the Shipment Approval Required check box for the desired customer.
  7. On the Customer Orders form, enter a new customer order for a customer with the Shipment Approval Required check box selected. You can select or clear this check box on this form regardless of what is selected on the Customers form.
  8. On the Order Shipping form, process shipments for customer order lines. Process shipments using a negative quantity for existing order shipments. This process will not allow a negative quantity greater than (Quantity Shipped + Quantity Returned - Quantity Approved).
  9. On the Order Shipments form, set the quantity to approve and approval date to record customer approval for shipments. This process is only required for customer orders with the Shipment Approval Required check box selected. Otherwise, the process is optional. Each entry on this screen creates a log record that records the quantity approved and the approval date.
  10. Perform either the order invoicing or consolidated invoicing process.