Enabling or Disabling Consolidated Invoicing

Use the Change Consolidated Invoicing Utility form to enable or disable Consolidated Invoicing for Customer or Customer Order/Line records.

  1. Open the Change Consolidated Invoicing Utility form.
  2. Specify this information:
    Process Customers
    Select this check box to process customers.
    Process Orders
    Select this check box to process orders.
    Customer range
    Specify the customer range if processing customers.
    Order range
    Specify the order range if processing orders.
    Consolidated Invoice
    Select this check box to change records where the current Consolidate Invoice condition is selected or cleared to the opposite condition.
  3. Specify either Preview or Commit.
  4. Click Process.
  5. View the results in one or both of the read-only grids. The grid on the left is for customers. The grid on the right is for orders.