Using the Consolidated Invoices Workbench

Pending consolidated invoices that are displayed on the Consolidated Invoices Workbench represent shipped customer order items that are marked for consolidated invoicing or are shipped under delivery orders. The invoices have not been printed or posted. You can create pending invoices with the Consolidated Invoice Generation activity, which allows you to generate invoices for a range of customers in one operation, or with the Consolidated Invoices Workbench.

A check mark in the upper-right corner of the invoice header indicates that the current invoice can be printed and posted.

A a problem indicator indicates that at least one line item in the invoice must be updated before the invoice can be printed and posted. In the grid in the Lines tab, such items have their Regenerate check boxes selected.

Note: While the Consolidated Invoices Workbench form is open, no other user can access either the Consolidated Invoices Workbench or the Consolidated Invoice Generation form.

The Actions menu includes the Delete Line option, which deletes the line from the invoice. This option does the same thing as the Delete Line button on the Lines tab.