Printing Packing Slips

The Packing Slip form prints only line/release items which have been shipped via a shipment transaction. The system keeps track of how many items are packed for each line/release item. The packing slip only includes line/releases that have more items shipped than packed, and prints the difference for each as the Qty To Pack.

You may also print a pre-ship packing slip. However, if you do, then you will be unable to print a ship packing slip. When you select the Pre Ship field, the Pre Ship Packing Selection form displays. However, you cannot run a pre ship packing slip if the Print Packing Slip on Invoice parameter is selected on the Order Entry Parameters form. A message displays when you choose to print Pre ship Packing Slips and at least one customer order is skipped because the associated customer record has its Print Packing Slip On Invoice check box is selected.

This report lists the kit, components, and quantity required for kit line items and releases, if the Print Kit Components on Customer Paperwork field is selected for the item on the Customer Order Lines form.

If a language is specified on the Customers form, and if the text is translated on the appropriate Multi-Lingual forms, the Terms, Ship Via, Item Description, and Order Text is printed in the customer's language on this report.

On the packing slip, the From address is the address defined on the Warehouses form.

The term Shipped means that a shipping transaction has been processed and the material has been pulled from stock but not yet packed and sent out the door.

If a letter of credit is required and none exists, a message displays.