Using the External Option to Create Links to Other Gateways (if feature CSIB_57069 is enabled)

Note: This section is only for customers who have enabled feature CSIB_57069. Check with your System Administrator to determine if this feature has been enabled.
  1. You must define an integration with both a web page and web service endpoint. These endpoints are specified on the Credit Card Systems form with the use of the Virtual Terminal Endpoint (for web page) and Web Service Endpoint (for web service) fields.
    The web page displays the target gateway's virtual terminal UI for card entry. No card information should be entered in SyteLine.

    The page is called by a web form POST request with the payload described in the Virtual Terminal Payload table. See Appendix: External Gateway Reference for the table.

    The web service is for invoicing and other processes which do not require or allow for a UI.

  2. The web service must implement these methods:
    ProcessRecurringCard: This is called as a POST request with a content payload of a ProcessRecurringSaleRequest. See the ProcessRecurringSaleRequest section here: Appendix: External Gateway Reference. This must return a SLProcessCreditCardResponse. See the SLProcessCreditCardResponse section here: Appendix: External Gateway Reference.

    ProcessCreditCard: This will be called as a POST request with a content payload of a ProcessCreditCardRequest. See the ProcessCreditCardRequest section here: Appendix: External Gateway Reference. This must return a SLProcessCreditCardResponse. See the SLProcessCreditCardResponse section here: Appendix: External Gateway Reference.

  3. See Setting Up the Credit Card Interface for additional steps to perform.
    Note: On this form (Credit Card Systems), specify the external gateway user ID and password credentials and the URL for the target web service. If these values are not set up, then when users try to authorize a credit card payment for an order, an error message is displayed. Encrypted passwords are decrypted prior to calling external relay.