Using the External Option to Create Links to Other Gateways (if feature CSIB_57069 is not enabled)

Note: This section is only for on-premises customers who have not enabled feature CSIB_57069. Check with your System Administrator to determine if this feature has been enabled.

Integrators can create links to other (external) credit card gateways. To set this up:

  1. SSSCCIProcessCardExternalSp is a stored procedure that calls your extension procedure EXTSSSCCIProcessCardExternalSp, if it exists. Look in SSSCCIProcessCardExternalSp to see what parameters are being passed to the extension procedure.
  2. Create the extension procedure named EXTSSSCCIProcessCardExternalSp to handle processing to the external gateway, using the parameters passed from SSSCCIProcessCardExternalSp. Add this stored procedure to the application database.
  3. Select the External option in the Credit Card System field on the Credit Card Systems form so that, during credit card processing, the application checks for the existence of your extension procedure and calls it, if it exists.
  4. See Setting Up the Credit Card Interface for additional steps to perform.
    Note: On this form (Credit Card Systems), specify the external gateway user ID and password credentials and the URL for the target web service. If these values are not set up, then when users try to authorize a credit card payment for an order, an error message is displayed.

For External gateways, the integrator must determine security. This application does not encrypt the password on the Credit Card Systems form for these external gateways.

If an integrator requires a password to be encrypted or additional setup information for the external gateway, use UETs and form personalizations to acquire that information.