Processing a Return as an Open Credit

If a credit is displayed as an open credit to be applied later to an invoice, use these steps to credit the order:

  1. On the Credit Card Payments form, select the customer.
  2. In the Transaction Type field, specify Return.
  3. In the Reference field, specify Open.
  4. To automatically process the open payment:
    1. Select Auto Post Open Payment.
    2. Specify the credit card information and click Process. A Posted Open Payment is generated on the A/R Posted Transactions Detail form.
  5. Alternately, to manually process the open payment:
    1. Clear the Auto Post Open Payment check box.
    2. Specify the credit card information and click Process. An Open Payment is generated on the A/R Payments form.
    3. Use the standard process to apply the payment to the specific invoice, if applicable.
    4. Use the standard process to post the payment.