Handling Single Shipments for a Credit Card Order

  1. Enter a new order for a customer and click Pay with Credit Card.
  2. On the Credit Card Payments form, specify the appropriate information.

    See Adding Customer Credit Card Information. Then authorize the credit card according to the pre-authorization method your system uses. For more information, see Pre-authorizing Credit Card Amounts or Percentages.

  3. Specify the Ship Method.
  4. Ship the order.
  5. (Optional. This step is usually performed only if the order fulfillment process takes more than a few days and you want to verify that funds are still available.) Run the Credit Card Shipping Authorization Utility, which reauthorizes the credit card for the amount of the order that has been shipped but not invoiced.
    Note:  If the authorization fails, you should reverse the shipment within the system to prevent the order from being fulfilled without proper funds. If the order remains shipped, your company runs the risk that the credit card processing might fail when invoicing is performed.
  6. To charge the credit card for the amount due, run order invoicing.