Shipping and Invoicing Credit Card Orders

You can invoice and ship in a single shipment or multiple shipments.
  • To prevent additional fees, if you try to perform a second authorization against an order, a warning message is displayed to confirm the request. Click Yes to confirm or No to deny the reauthorization.
  • Consider the authorization and the sale as two separate transactions. A sale does not require an authorization, although it can reference one and attempt to convert it. This is called a capture.
  • A $0 authorization (card verification) is never captured. Any charges against the card that was used for authorization are handled as sale transactions. In a partial shipment scenario where you plan to use the Credit Card Shipping Authorization utility, the initial authorization is typically for $0. Then you use the reauthorization utility before invoicing to authorize the correct amount for the shipments that have been posted but not yet invoiced. Then invoicing captures the authorization that was created by the reauthorization utility.