Adding Customer Credit Card Information

When you add a customer's credit card information in your system, you can choose to store the information for reuse on later orders by that customer. You can store information about multiple credit cards for one customer, using different Ship To addresses for the customer.

To add credit card information for a customer:

  1. (Optional) From the Customer Orders, Service Orders, A/R Posted Transaction Summary, or A/R Posted Transaction Detail forms, click Pay with Credit Card to display the Credit Card Payments form.
  2. Use the Credit Card Payments form to specify customer credit card information that will be used to pay the invoice when it is generated.
    Note:  A customer's credit card information can be entered remotely, from the Service Mobile application.

    This information can also be entered from a Customer Portal.

    Specify this information. (If this form is called from another form, relevant information is already filled in.)

    Specify the customer number.
    Ship To
    Specify the customer Ship To address (also known as the Customer Sold To location). If the field is left blank, the zero Ship To address is used.
    The customer name is displayed.
    Transaction Type
    Specify the action to be requested from the credit card processing software:
    • Sale: Submit a charge against the credit card.
    • Return: Submit a credit against the credit card.
    • Authorize: Request validation of credit card information (not authorizing the amount of the sale).
    Note: The authorization process submits a charge for the either a fixed amount or a percentage of the sale based on the credit card interface parameter setting.
    Ship Method
    Select a ship method to calculate the freight (shipping) charges for this credit card order and include that in the Total Amount. This field is optional. If you leave it blank, you must use standard application procedures to calculate the freight charges. (For orders placed through the Customer Portal, this field is display-only and shows the ship method selected by a Customer Portal user when placing a credit card order.) This field is enabled only when Transaction Type is Authorize and Reference Type is Customer Order.
    Total Amount
    Specify the total amount to be invoiced. If you specified a Default Authorization method on the Credit Card Parameters form, a calculated amount is filled in automatically for pre-authorizations.

    See Pre-authorizing Credit Card Amounts or Percentages.

    Specify the reference to which the credit card should be applied:
    • Invoice: Apply to an existing invoice in the system.
    • Customer Order: Apply to the selected customer order.
    • SRO: Apply to the selected service order.
    • Open: Apply an open credit for the selected customer.
    Customer Reference
    Specify the name of the person who authorized the credit card transaction. This value is provided by the customer, typically to track the employee or representative in their organization who authorized the transaction. This reference is mainly used for business, corporate or government GSA purchasing cards. This value can be passed to the third-party credit card system to qualify for Level 2 or 3 reporting.
    Card System ID
    Select the credit card system to use for this transaction, or accept the default. If you select a different credit card system, the Currency Code is updated to match the currency of the credit card system's bank, and the Total Amount is recalculated to use the proper currency conversion. The default credit card system for the specified customer currency is defined on the Credit Card Systems form.
    Card Number
    If you use the CenPOS or BridgePay gateway, use one of these options:
    • Leave the Card Number blank if you plan to specify a new credit card (you will specify the number in the next step) or
    • Select the last 4 digits from the drop-down list to select a stored credit card token

    If you use another gateway, specify the 16-digit number listed on the front of the customer's credit card. If the credit card has been used and stored by the customer previously, you can select the number from the drop-down list.

    The list of card numbers is dependent on the credit card system; only numbers for supported credit card types are listed.

    Note: The credit card number is not stored locally; it is transmitted only for authorization purposes
    Store for Future Orders
    If you use the CenPOS or BridgePay gateway, you can select this field even for a blank credit card number. Credit card information is entered through the CenPOS or BridgePay virtual terminal; a token ID is stored locally for reference. When you authorize and submit the credit card information to CenPOS or BridgePay, SyteLine creates an entry in the Customer Credit Cards form.

    If you use another gateway, select this option to save the information in the back end system for future use. The actual card number is not saved in the system; only a pointer to the information in the third-party system is saved. When you click Process, SyteLine creates an entry in the Customer Credit Cards form.

    Note: For security purposes, only the last four digits of the credit card number are stored. A reference to the third-party credit card processing application, where the full credit card number is securely stored, is used to access the full credit card number during processing.
    Expiration Date
    Specify the card expiration date in the form MM/YY. For CenPOS or BridgePay, this field is not available.
    Name on Card
    Specify the card holder's name exactly as it appears on the credit card. For CenPOS or BridgePay, this field is not available.
    CV Number
    Specify the security number that is found on the card. For CenPOS or BridgePay, this field is not available.
    Address (Street, City, Prov/StatePostal/Zip)
    Specify the billing address information for the card holder.
  3. If you use the CenPOS or BridgePay gateway, click Authorize to display the Credit Card Web Payment form with the CenPOS or BridgePay virtual terminal. Here you specify the card number, expiration date, name on the card, last four digits, and optionally an email address. If the card was previously saved for this customer, the information is already filled in. If this form is associated with an order, the invoice number is filled in.

    Click Submit to send the information to CenPOS or BridgePay; then click OK to close the Credit Card Payments form.

Note: To prevent additional fees, if you try to perform a second authorization against an order, a warning message is displayed to confirm the request. Click Yes to confirm or No to deny the reauthorization.