Troubleshooting the configuration

If there is a problem with the configuration, check the web service setup.

When you install the SyteLine Application & Web role on a server, these credit card integration web services are installed on the server:

  • http(s)://servername/CreditCardIntegrationService
  • http(s)://servername/CreditCardIntegrationServiceDev

CreditCardIntegrationService is preconfigured for use with live accounts.

CreditCardIntegrationServiceDev is preconfigured for use with test accounts.

If you have connection issues, confirm with your gateway that the URLs found in the web.config file of the web service match what they expect.

For CenPOS, the web.config file contains these elements, found under Configuration/ConnectionStrings:

  • The URL for the virtual terminal. To edit this value, change the connectionString attribute of the node with the name cenpos_url.
  • The URL for the CenPOS web service location that is used by the relay services to make calls to CenPOS. To edit this value, change the connectionString attribute of the node with the name cenpostransact_url.

For BridgePay, the web.config file contains these elements:

  • The endpoint for the BridgePay REST Service, found under Configuration/System.ServiceModel/Client/Endpoint. To edit this value, change the address attribute for the endpoint node with contract BridgePayService.IRequestHandler.
  • The URL for the virtual terminal, found under Configuration/ConnectionStrings. To edit this value, change the connectionString attribute of the node with the name bridgepay_url.