Establishing merchant service relations and purchasing gateway software with ABS

If you plan to use BridgePay, Advanced Bancard Solutions (ABS) can help you select the appropriate gateway for your company's business needs. Use this contact information:

Advanced Bancard Solutions (Credit Card Software Reseller)

Michael Dodson or Dan Fox, Advanced Bancard Solutions


Phone: (866) 864-8564

If your company wants to continue with its existing credit card processor, ABS requires the details of the account to verify that you are purchasing a gateway that works with the system, and that can preset the payment processor information in the software. If you do not know which processor your company is using, the ABS representative can assist you.

The ABS representative can help you to verify that the processor you select supports your credit card processing requirements and determine this information:
  • Which credit cards are accepted
  • The level of processing (Level 1, 2 or 3) that is required for the settlement
  • Whether the processor auto-posts or uses a manual process, if one is offered