Generating VAT Files
Use the Generate VAT File form to generate text files that can be imported into the Golden Tax System (GTS). The Naming Rule of the text file that this process will generate is: CreateYYYYMMDDHHMMSS.txt or VoidYYYYMMDDHHMMSS.txt.
- Before you begin this task, you must specify a (VAT) Export File Logical Folder in the Order Entry Parameters form. The output file is placed in this folder.
- To generate a new VAT file or void a previously sent VAT invoice, select the File Type.
- To see the invoices without generating a text file, select the Preview check box and click .
- To generate a text file for all of the invoices, select the Commit check box and click . Then click .
- Click File Maintenance form. Select the VAT export file logical folder to display its files. to open the
- Select the export file and click to download it to a local folder. If there is more than one file in the logical folder, you can tell which file is the newest by the date in its filename.