Recalculate Cost Button, Purchase Orders

Click this button to get an up-to-date vendor contract price or item cost. The recalculating only works for inventoried items, and so the button is disabled on all forms for non-inventoried items. The button is also disabled if the line's status is not Planned or Ordered, or if the purchase order is not created by the current site.

On the Purchase Orders form, the button is also disabled if the current row object is in Modified mode.

If the Automotive industry pack is installed, this button behaves differently based on the form you are on:

  • On the Purchase Order Lines form, click the Reprice button to open the Purchase Order Lines Reprice form.
  • On the Purchase Order Blanket Lines form, click the Reprice button to open the Purchase Order Blanket Lines Reprice form.
  • On the Purchase Order Blanket Releases form, click the Reprice button to open the Purchase Order Blanket Releases Reprice form.