Tracking Equipment Effectiveness

Overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) is used to evaluate how effectively a job operation is utilized.

There are two places to view OEE data:

  • On the Job Operations forms, select the OEE tab to view effectiveness data for the latest 30 days of reported labor that requires the resource to have labor reported against the operation's work center.
  • On the Resource Group Load Profile - Scheduler form, use the OEE graphs to view effectiveness data for the specified date range of reported labor that requires the resource to have labor reported against the operation's work center.

This table shows the OEE factors and calculations:

Factor Calculation
Availability ([Available Production Time] - [Unavailable Production time Shift Exceptions]) / [Available Production Time]
Performance [Total Pieces] / [Operation Time] / [Ideal Cycle Time]
Quality [Good Pieces] / [Total Pieces]
Overall OEE Availability * Performance * Quality


  • Performance, Availability, or Quality calculated at greater than 100% are artificially capped at 100% and display in red. This typically indicates a problem with reporting or your ideal cycle time.
  • To ensure an accurate measurement of piece quality, scrap should be reported against the operation.
  • If you do not report shift exceptions against the resource, Availability will always be calculated as 100%.
  • OEE calculations are not related to specific jobs.
  • OEE is not applicable to back flushed materials or fixed schedule hours, which are always 100%.

Ideal Cycle Time

The ideal cycle time refers to the highest possible rate at which a work center can possibly operate, and is dependent on the Schedule Driver field. For example, if the work performed is with a saw, the ideal cycle time represents the time used to cut the material only, with no time allotted to related labor such as repositioning the material. Ideal cycle time is reflected in the cycle time Labor/Machine Hours Per Piece, or Labor/Machine Pieces Per Hour. Percent efficiency represents the actual cycle time, and is always less than, or equal to, the ideal cycle time.

Calculation Definitions

  • Good Pieces = Pieces completed.
  • Ideal Cycle Time (Fixed Hours) = Fixed Hours.
  • Ideal Cycle Time (Machine) = [Hours per piece] / [pieces per machine hour].
  • Ideal Cycle Time (Labor) = [Hours per piece] / [pieces per labor hour].
  • Operating Time = Reported time for the quantity completed.
  • Ideal Cycle Time = Theoretical minimum time to produce one piece.