Referencing a Payment

For customers that send payments using a reference number other than the invoice number, you can specify which reference type they will provide with payments.
  1. Open the EDI Customer Profiles form and select a customer.
  2. Ensure that Ship To 0 is selected.
  3. In the Payment Ref Type field, select the reference type that your customer includes with their payment.
  4. If the External type is selected, map the EDI element that contains the reference to the Ext Payment Ref field on the EDI Customer Orders form.
    When posting EDI customer order invoices, the system looks up the reference type for the customer and sets the reference number accordingly.
  5. When you are distributing a payment, click the Payment Reference button on the A/R Payment Distributions form to open the Payment Reference Lookup form.
  6. On the Payment Reference Lookup form, enter the reference sent with the payment.
  7. Click Search to display, in the grid, all invoices that match that reference you entered.
  8. Select the appropriate invoice and click OK to return to selected invoice number to the A/R Payment Distributions form.
Note:  If you are using the A/R Quick Payment form, the reference number displays in the grid.