Planned Mfg Supply Switching

This parameter applies only to planned orders (PLNs) for manufactured items. The Planned Mfg Supply Switching parameter appears on the Planning Parameters form and on the Items form. For the system to apply the switching, you must enable the parameter on the Planning Parameters form AND on each Items record you want to affect. Clearing the parameter on the Planning Parameters form disables it for all items.

This parameter slows the performance of the APS Planning activity; therefore, in most cases you should NOT select it. It is designed to address a specific problem: when the parent item in a bill of material is defined with an Order Maximum value, and its component items are defined with Order Minimum values, the system may create excess planned orders. You can enable Planned Mfg Supply Switching to allow the system to reallocate the excess supplies appropriately for these items.
Note: If a supply is cross-referenced to a demand, it will not be affected by the Planned Manufactured Supply Switching parameter.

Default: Do Not Select