Items - Use Reorder Point

This field applies only to purchased items that are neither MPS items nor Phantom items.

Reorder point items are usually inexpensive, high-output items (such as nails, bolts, etc.) that you want to track and maintain differently than normal items. Select this field to specify that the system will replenish this item's inventory when on-hand inventory + on-order (such as from purchase orders) quantity drops below the level specified in the Reorder Point field. The system generates a planned order for the quantity specified in the Fixed Order Qty field (see “Items - Fixed Order Quantity” for more information).

Irrelevant Planning Parameters

Tracking reorder point items is a straightforward replenishment strategy for which many of the other planning parameters are not needed. When you select the Use Reorder Point field, the following fields on the Items form have no use and are disabled for this field.

  • Days Supply
  • Phantom Flag
  • MPS Flag
  • MPS Plan Fence
  • Expedited Fixed Lead Time (see “Items - Expedited Fixed Lead Time” for more information)
  • Expedited Variable Lead Time
  • MRP Item
  • Infinite
  • Accept Requirements
  • Pass Requirements
  • Supply Usage Tolerance
  • Time Fence Rule
  • Time Fence Value
    When you select the Use Reorder Point field, the form sets the above fields to zero, if they contain a value, or clears them if they are selected. The Accept Requirements, however, is selected automatically.

Output Analysis

On the Planning Detail and Planning Summary forms and on the Exceptions Report, this field displays as a reference.