Items - Days Supply

Enter the number of manufacturing days the system looks into the future for consolidating planned orders.

If you are using APS, the system consolidates planned orders by this value only if the Planned Orders Consolidation field on the Planning Parameters form is set to Days Supply.

When the system creates planned orders, it decides which planned orders to consolidate based on Days Supply increments. The release date and due date of the consolidated planned order will be the release date and due date of the earliest planned order to be consolidated.

For example, suppose the system creates planned orders for FA-10000 as shown below.

Planned order number Due Date of planned order Quantity
1 5/1/2007 10
2 5/1/2007 15
3 5/2/2007 7
4 5/5/2007 20
5 5/9/2007 15
6 5/10/2007 5

If Days Supply = 5, the system combines all the planned orders for FA-10000 in 5-day increments, generating two planned orders:

Combine planned orders between these dates... Into one order with a quantity of... And a due date of...
5/1/2007 - 5/5/2007 52 5/1/2007
5/6/2007 - 5/10/2007 20 5/9/2007

The system applies this Days Supply consolidation scheme until the 30-day Bucket Fence value is reached, after which it ignores Days Supply and begins consolidating the planned orders for the next 30 days into a single planned order (see “Consolidating Planned Orders” for more information).

If you are using the APS planning, we recommend you do not use Days Supply for manufactured items because the capacity representation may become inaccurate. (In Infinite APS, Days Supply is fine for manufactured items and purchased items.)

Disabling Consolidation for Specific Items (APS only)

If you are using APS, you can disable consolidation for a specific item while using consolidation for the rest of your items. Enter 0 in the Days Supply field on the Items form for the item for which you want to disable consolidation. Planned orders for this item will not be consolidated (however, consolidation happens as specified for all other items). If you are using MRP, the system always consolidates with Days Supply of at least 1.