Use Expedited Lead Time: For Planning, For ATP/CTP

This parameter controls whether APS will use expedited lead time when you run the APS Planning activity and/or when you perform a Get ATP or Get CTP operation.

  • Select For Planning to use expedited lead time during a run of the APS Planning activity.
  • Select For ATP/CTP to use expedited lead time during Get ATP/CTP operations.

When selected, these options allow the system to apply the expedited lead time reduction values (in the Fixed Lead Time Reduction and/or Variable Lead Time Reduction fields) or the expedited lead times specified on the Items form.

If both expedited lead time reduction and expedited lead times are specified, the system uses the expedited lead times and ignores the expedited lead time reduction values.

Note: Clearing the Use Expedited Lead Time fields disables both the global lead time reduction values and all item-level expedited lead times; in this case, the system uses standard lead times.

The system only applies expedited lead time when the initial pull planning pass fails and the system push plans the demand.

If expedited lead time is used to allocate a supply to a demand, the Used Expedited Lead Time exception message appears for that supply on the Planning Detail form and on the Exceptions Report.

Default (Planning): Selected

Default (ATP/CTP): Not selected