Planning Window: Start Date Offset

Specify a start date offset to shift the planning horizon into the past. The planning engine uses today’s date, unless the Start Date has been specified, for calculations requiring knowledge of the current date, but allows demands to be planned in the past according to the offset amount (see “Planning Window: Start Date” on page 47 for more information).

A positive number will shift the date into the past. Negative numbers are not allowed.

The concept of a phased implementation of APS can be used if you have an MRP mindset and aren’t concerned with capacity constraints. However, if you have capacity constraints and/or want to take a step towards becoming a world class manufacturing company, we recommend that you begin with APS mode, utilizing finite resources and not planning in the past.

A phased approach to implementing APS utilizes as a first step when implementing APS, “Single Pass” Infinite APS. To realize “Single Pass” Infinite APS, the Start Date Offset should be set large enough so that the initial Pull Plan never fails, making the Push Plan step unnecessary (see “Pull and Push Planning” on page 13 for more information). You should also set resources to infinite (see “About Infinite Resource Capacity” on page 12 for more information). This implementation of APS most closely approximates MRP by planning in the past, while providing the benefits of APS.

Once comfortable with the process, the next phase of implementation is Multi-Pass Infinite APS, where the Start Date Offset is set to 0, while keeping resources infinite. This utilizes the APS concept of realistic start dates while affording as much flexibility as possible since the resources are infinite. Material and resource planning cannot go into the past, therefore providing realistic dates.

Finally, after becoming comfortable with Multi-Pass Infinite APS, the resources can be set to finite and you have achieved full-functioning APS. You will then realize the benefits of realistic plans based on simultaneous material and resource planning, utilizing finite resource capacity and material plans which are not in the past.

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