About Infinite Resource Capacity

A resource (whether a crew person, machine, or fixture) with infinite capacity can work on an unlimited number of operations at the same time. The Infinite APS mode of planning assumes all resources to have infinite capacity always (when the resource is on a working shift).

In APS mode, resources have finite capacity (they can work on a limited number of operations). However, in some situations, you may want to designate particular resources as infinite.

You can specify that resources have infinite capacity in these multiples:

  • All resources
  • All resources in a resource group
  • Single resource
Note: These values override the Infinite Resource Capacity After setting (defined globally on the APS Mode form or for a resource group on the Resource Groups form). For example, if the resource is an Infinite Planning resource, and is a member of a resource group that has Infinite Capacity After 999 hours, this resource is considered infinite.

All Resources

All resources in all resource groups have infinite capacity during all Infinite APS and APS planning activities when:

  • The APS Mode is set to Infinite APS (see “Infinite APS vs. APS Planning” on page 11 for more information). All resources have infinite capacity while they are on a working shift.
  • The Infinite Resource Capacity After field is in effect at the global level, set on the APS Mode form. This parameter applies only to APS (it is always in effect when the APS Mode is Infinite APS).

All Resources in a Resource Group

For APS planning you can specify that all resources in a particular resource group have infinite capacity.

Set the Infinite Resource Capacity After field that appears on the Resource Groups form. This resource group-level parameter overrides the same parameter defined on the APS Mode form. If the parameter on the APS Mode form is set to 4 hours, and on the Resource Group it is set to 2 hours, all resources in that resource group are infinite after 2 hours.

In Infinite APS mode, this field is disabled and set to 0 hours (that is, resources are always infinite). In APS mode, this field defaults to 999999 hours, and you can change it to another value if desired.

Single Resource

For APS planning, you can specify that a single resource has infinite capacity by selecting the Infinite Planning field on the Resources form. This value overrides the Infinite Resource Capacity After setting. For example, if the resource is an Infinite Planning resource, and is a member of a resource group that has Infinite Capacity After 999 hours, this resource is considered infinite even if 999 hours have not elapsed.